Unapologetically Conservative
John is a firm believer in protecting conservative values as he is pro-life, pro-gun, and pro-military. He believes Missourians desire the freedoms to live, work, and worship without government interference and overreach. Unfortunately, since the pandemic we have seen that not all of our local, state, or federal leaders share these values as we saw schools, churches, and businesses shut down along with mask mandates and vaccine requirements forced on our innocent children and community.
Faithful Christian
John is proud of his Christian values which have taught him the differences between tolerance, acceptance, and conformity. He will fight to protect the unborn as well as the rights of worshippers of all faiths to freely assemble without government interference.
Proud Patriot
John is pro-American and believes in your 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. He believes in protecting America’s borders from invasion as well as the prohibition of selling Missouri’s land to China. He will support Missouri’s efforts to secure the border when the federal government fails in its obligation. John will also fight to keep Marxism and other woke ideologies including DEI & CRT out of Missouri schools.